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About the Teacher

My name is Wendy Buckley. I am a product of Catholic Schools. I grew up in Brookline, attended Seton La Salle High School, and graduated with my degree from Duquesne University. I currently live in Greetree with my husband Keith, and our four children. I have been teaching for fifteen years, the most recent ten of those at St. Anne School. I started here in kindergarten but have since taught third grade and gym. I am so excited to have the opportunity to get back to working with our younger students. 

When I am not at school, my family comletely consumes my time. I have two sons and two daughters. My oldest son is back home again after having graduated from college, while my older daughter is a Freshman at Duquesne hoping to follow in my footsteps! My little ones are 11 and 8 and keep me really busy. They are both active in neighorhood sports, school activies, and whatever the latest craze is. In case I had any down time, Santa brought our family a french bulldog puppy last year named Hugo and he loves to have my undidvided attention. He is everybody's favorite and is spolied rotten! Hugo has inspired our classroom theme for this year and I am having a blast planning all the fun and learning that will take place in the Preschool Puppy Patch this year!

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